The winter time is no time to be lonely. It's cold and depressing, and I'm starting to get in a funk. This is usually about the time when tomcats realize the merits of having some sweet pussy to hang around with. The summer is prime prowl time. Now, I could really use some companionship... something a little softer and sweeter to keep me warm than this stupid radiator... or HER. All you men out there are pickin up what I'm puttin down. I gotta get me some lovin...
I need to start socializing, getting myself out there. She keeps telling me about how a ton of her co-workers have recently rescued and adopted cats, like she thinks she started some sort of trend or something... like she's a trendsetter. And joking about how she's going to start a monthly "cat club" where they all get together and tell dumb stories about how cute we are... but we're not even invited. F that. Let me meet these other felines and we'll start our own cat club where we talk about how annoying you humans are. It's perfect... I'll have a wingman...

and two sweet ladies to romance with my manly charms...
Mia (ME-OW!)

And this one, that has apparently yet to be named, but I'd call her Sweet Lips...