Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Ghosts of Jessica's past - guest writer

I figured that just one account of possibly the most awkward night of my life might not be enough to allow you to understand how truly awful it was.  So I commissioned my friend Meredith (actually she happily volunteered, in between laughing at my misfortune... cold man, cold) to document from an outsider's point of view the events of that fateful (ie, shitastic) evening.  Names have been changed to protect the people I wouldn't mind not running into again... 

Ghosts of Jessica's past

I recently went on a ghost tour of old homes in Cape May.   When the 90-year old tour guide took us in one of the “haunted” houses, I couldn’t help but laugh and mock the others who truly believed they could feel the ghost of the house dog walk by them on the stairs.  I don’t believe in ghosts, or should I say, I didn’t believe in ghosts until I spent a night in a Shiva house with Jessica.

Jessica had three ghosts visit her that night – one being that of her former “best friend with benefits” who tracked us down in our hiding spot at the cookie table (who would ever look for us there?).  He kindly asked about her family, her job, and her thoughts on his leaving for his bachelor party that coming Thursday.  Jessica avoided sharing her thoughts on his bachelor party, but she did manage to share her thoughts on the legal use of shotguns in NYC as I stood directly between the two and our friend Jaime chanted awwwkward time and time again.  Classic.

This ghost of Jessica’s past had barely returned to heaven, or wherever it is that ghosts go when they decide to stop haunting the living, when Jaime’s aunt yelled across the room “Jaime – guess what!  The ‘Smiths’ are here”!  She shouted with such zealousness one would have thought the Obamas had come to join the minion.   Well, the “Smiths” just happened to be the parents of Jessica’s high school boyfriend.  Ghosts two and three.  Fabulous.

Jessica managed to avoid the Smiths for quite a bit of time, but when Mrs. Smith finally tracked her down (no – not at the cookie table this time), she asked about her family, her job, and then loudly stated “I’m sure you heard, our son is getting married”.  Yes Jaime – this was once again awwwkward.

I think it would do me good to return to Cape May and visit that house again.  Maybe now that I am a believer I too will feel the dog run by me and brush up against my leg.  If anything could change this non-believer, it was a night of Jewish mourning with Jessica and her past.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


I may have decided to adopt a cat. I’ve been thinking about it and talking about it for over a year... I just haven’t pulled the trigger yet. It’s a big decision, but my friend Mara rescued a cat off the streets the other day and I’ve submitted an application to allow him to move in with me.  An application... With references... For a cat. Do I need a guarantor as well? I could get an apartment in NYC easier than this cat...

Mara: so what happened with jordana, i saw her email to you
Jess: she's going to call me today
Jess: this is like adopting a kid
Mara: oh nice...hahah totally
i was like what the hell does she want to talk to her about
it was very straightforward
Jess: it's not like i'm going to ask for the cat and then neglect him
Jess: or put him in the microwave
Mara: haaaaa i guess there are some people who might
Jess: silly
Jess: that'd be just like me
Jess: to be turned down for adopting a cat who 48 hours ago was living on the street
Mara: omg i cannot imagine that...
Jess: well i am not getting too excited yet
Mara: i am!! Im antsy...
Jess: well now i've named him and everything
Jess: so i may be a little devastated
Jess: when they decide i am only fit to raise stuffed cats
Mara: i think it will all work out fine..its probably just procedure
haaaaaaaaahahaha...stop...im peeing...
Jess: ya know, if Smokey could talk... she'd tell them what a wonderful caretaker I am
Jess: for 20+ years she's stayed with me
Mara: she could have been your reference
Jess: she could leave if she wants...
Jess: but she stays