Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Four, four, four, four

So since I have about ZERO time (or if it was possible to have negative time, I'd have that) these days to post anymore to my poor blog... I thought since Mara sent me this forward and put that I would most likely respond, I wouldn't want to let her down. Nor "spoil the fun"... cue the FWD...

Here is a fun and quick way to stay in touch. Let's see how many posts I get...

Four, Four, Four, Four...

A) Four places that I go to over and over.

Work, Gym, Home to my family in Jerz (therefore subsequently Port Authority, the worst place on Earth), Does work count again?

B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly)

Leah, Jaime, Michelle, Do work people count?

C) Four of my favorite places to eat.

LEMONGRASS, Mizu, My bed, this game would be more fun in 3's

D) Four places I would rather be right now.

On a beach, Driving a car, In Target, Anywhere but my desk...

E) Four people you think will respond.

Kevin, Ben (the only people who ever post comments on my blog!), maybe Mara because now she owes me one

F) Four TV Shows I watch.

My DVR wishes I only watched 4 shows...
All My Children, Lost, The Daily Show, Family Guy

Here's what you are supposed to do...and please don't spoil the fun...
Hit forward,' delete my answers, type in your answers and send it to a bunch of
people, including me. It's SIX questions. Take the time.

Seriously, don't spoil the fun...


Anonymous said...

I seriously beg to differ on your answer for E, that Kevin and Ben are the only ones who ever comment on your blog. :)

Unknown said...
