Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Top Ten

Man tries to steal laptop to check Facebook

Top ten reasons why this is a great headline:

10) Wow, way to take obsession to a whole new level.

9) I suppose one might be inclined to stoop to this had they no way to be on Facebook 24/7 (ie, home computer, work computer, or blackberry)... And by “one”, I mean me.

8) Looks like someone got a sudden, uncontrollable urge to “poke”

7) He stole the laptop and ran out of Starbucks. But the free Wi-fi connection only works IN Starbucks... Genius plan, really.

6) If you are caught stealing someone’s laptop, maybe attempt to come up with a more sympathetic excuse besides that you desperately needed to stalk your ex.

5) Must check breaking news? The state of the economy? Work e-mail? Nope, the utter importance and time sensitive matter of who took the which Sex and the City character are you quiz.

4) Oh please, please release his name so I can see what is so intensely urgent on his profile.

3) I guess it was his turn in Scramble.

2) Jessica is now friends with Laptop Stealer via the People you definitely do not want to know Tool.

And the number 1 reason this is a great headline...

1) I’ve always wanted to update my status to say, “I just stole someone’s laptop from Starbucks.” In fact, I think I will do that right now.


Unknown said...

"Jessica is now friends with Laptop Stealer via the People you definitely do not want to know Tool."

LMFAO... that is brilliant

Anonymous said...

Woult that be "Jessica Feinberg just stole someones laptop from Starbucks" and not "I"? LOL