Friday, August 08, 2008

Nothing funny about that

The new Fall television season is almost upon us. Every year this is like the ultimate crap shoot for me. Somehow I always end up choosing incorrectly and investing my time in shows like "The Nine", or "Kidnapped" which get canceled before they are ever resolved. Talk about TV blue balls. How am I supposed to go about living without ever knowing how it was supposed to end?? I need closure!

This summer I got sucked into Last Comic Standing. Generally I enjoyed it. Everyone can use an hour or so of lighthearted comedic attempts to brighten up the week. (Probably why half of you are reading this blog post right now). Well last night was the finale where they crowned the winner. I DVR'd it and attempted to catch part of it this morning before some dickwad news site like CNN ruined it for me. Alas, during playback I realize what I am watching is in fact not Last Comic Standing, rather America's Got Talent. Somehow the presence of the Hoff must have tipped me off. WTF??? Are you kidding??? How am I supposed to know who wins??? If I continue to use three question marks, will I ever get the answers I demand???

I think this post I found on a fansite sums it up quite nicely...

Yeah, thanks for nothing NBC.
If I wanted to watch America's Got Talent I would have set the DVR for it.
Douche Bags
NBC Sucks | Aug 8, 2008 10:36:54 AM |

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