Tuesday, January 18, 2005

F*cking Stu: Week Two

Prognosis: Rejected!! And he didn't even get to French her... sucker.
New nicknames: "I love you" Stu, Stu the serial starer
Things I noticed that I hadn't before: he has a very creepy serial killer like stare, he talks A LOT and too much with his hands, strange feminine tendencies
What happened: Well, in short, he got axed. He must have serial stared at some producer's wife or taken some case against ABC because they really did a number on him. In his defense, and not because I think he's a nice person, there really wasn't enough evidence to brand him a "stalker". Yes he was creepy, but so were a ton of the other guys. One of them gave her a necklace that matches the one he wears which was his mom's and he buried her in his... ok that's creepy. Another one asked her to autograph and kiss his Knicks ticket... also creepy. One more told her he spoons and cuddles with his dog? The commercial ABC was running was totally misleading. I thought Stu would be skulking around in the shadows, sneaking into her room to serial stare at her sleeping, text messaging her night and day, or stealing her panties and walking around with them in his pocket or something. What a let down. Although if Stu had just learned when to keep his mouth shut, he wouldn't have said these winners:

-"I am absolutely, completely in love with Jen"
-"Honestly, I feel like she's completely in love with me and I'm going to make sure she knows"
-"I want to know her favorite color, whether she likes vanilla or chocolate ice cream, crunchy or creamy peanut butter..."

Ok first off, she's in love with you but she doesn't know it yet?? What? Wow that kinda makes you think... imagine how many people you're in love with and you just don't know it!! Seriously, do you know how many people I'm in love with? I guess neither do I, because I just don't know it yet! Scary. Second, for the record Stu, I like chocolate, creamy, and black. Oh and isn't it chunky not crunchy?? I dunno, maybe not, he's the one with the law degree...

Overall joke of the night: Jen missed out on a lifetime of text messaging and sharing Kiehls products.

I'm kinda sad to see him go, who will we make fun of next week?? Oh well, there's always the "Men tell all" special, where Stu can stare into the camera and use his hands to plead that he's not a stalker... should be funny!
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

qbrad said...

Hey!!!! I spoon and cuddle with Zev. He's a great little grey man and deserves that kind of treatment. Plus, he's so soft.