Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If you can't freak yourself out, who can you freak out?

This little piggy went to market flu is starting to really freak me out. My inner hypochondriac, which I can usually keep in check, has begun to surface in full form. This weekend alone, I decided that not only did I have pork flu, but I also had skin cancer... when in fact the only thing wrong with me was that I was severely hungover from my insane birthday celebration. But seriously, in the past 3 days, I have used more hand sanitizer than should legally be allowed for one person. This pig flu ain't kosher. The one thing I will not do however, is wear a mask. That happens to be where I draw the line.

I read this article about masks on MSNBC just now, and I have some comments...

"One problem with the N-95 masks is that although they filter microscopic particles, they also impede breathing, making them uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time, Schaffner said"

...Hmm... sure suffocation or possible infection with pig flu. Pondering... wow that's a toss up.

“Those of us who are a little claustrophobic don’t like to wear them for very long,” he said.

...Those of us who enjoy breathing or occasionally attempt to not look like a freak probably don't either.

“If you are in an epidemic center like New York, it probably wouldn’t hurt to have some around,” Russell said. “As far as wearing it to work or wearing it on the street, we’re not there yet.”

...Epidemic center? Since when?! Way to scare the bejezus out of us. Meanwhile, if I'm not supposed to wear it on the street or to work, am I supposed to sport it in my apartment? A lot of good that will do... to protect me against dust mites and hair balls...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Clothing non-optional

I love going to the gym in the morning. It’s done, it’s out the way, it’s not crowded there, I feel very accomplished, and I only have to shower once a day. The only problem is, I’m not particularly fond of getting up at 5:30am. However, I’ve come to realize recently that the alternative is almost equally as sucky, if not more. If I go after work, I have to enter the locker room which unfortunately means I have to see nasty people prancing around in varying states of undress. I would rather see the sun come up every morning. In fact, I’d rather be close enough to the sun to have it permanently scorch my retinas so that I never have to see nasty naked locker room people again...

Good god people. I can gather that you are clearly quite comfortable with your disgusting public nudity, however I think since the rest of us are not, we need to establish some ground rules. I’ll volunteer to start.

There is no need to do certain things while completely naked, that you could easily do either fully clothed or while wearing a towel... Such as:
  • weighing oneself
  • rubbing lotion on oneself
  • bending over
  • talking on the phone
  • packing up your bag

I’d like us to establish a maximum naked locker room time. I think we can fairly cap nakedness at 30 seconds, but I’m willing to be generous and allow for 1 minute total combined naked time.

I may not be a Victoria’s Secret swimsuit model so I suppose I cannot judge, however I have also never watched “The Biggest Loser” and said to myself... “Wow, I wonder what they look like naked...” and I would like to continue to be blissfully unaware... Forever...

When in any doubt about what is in good taste... cover yourself up.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Groundhog Birthday

Every year around my birthday the same thing happens. I dread making a decision on where to have my party and I mistakenly think that it’s going to be warm enough for me to prance around in tiny outfits. (and then I get really wasted). I don’t know why I always assume that the end of April is somehow summer-like. You’d think I would have learned my lesson after many years of showing up at my birthday wearing short skirts and open toed sandals and inevitably freezing my ass off. The most memorable example of this would be my 24th (25th?) birthday at a bar that doesn’t even exist anymore. I decided to wear a little pink skirt, tank top, and white open toed heels. This was the infamous year that I drunk cried about to this day I do not know what, cut my foot open and left a trail of blood all over my apartment, and accidentally unplugged my refrigerator. But at least I wore what I wanted to wear...

This year, nothing has changed. I found a desired outfit online and sent the link to my friend for approval. She said, no you cannot wear that, it’s too summery, you are going to be cold. Of course, we all know I bought it anyway and luckily the 7 day forecast seems to insinuate that Saturday is going to be 75 degrees! I may actually be vindicated this year! I love global warming...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Out with the crazies

We all know what happens when the nice weather finally appears... All the lunatics crawl out of the woodwork. On my 4 block walk to grab lunch today, I passed like 40 crackheads.

  • A woman wearing a green eye-mask, like the kind you sleep with, over her nose and mouth while pushing her cart
  • 2 girls who were having a “cough off”, attempting to out hack up a lung each other
  • A girl wearing black tights and the tiniest daisy dukes I’ve ever seen... I mean why bother?
  • A woman wearing a short shirt that enabled her entire gut to hang over her jeans
  • A creepy guy walking 2 feet behind two women repeating “I love you baby, you are so hot baby”
  • A dog stalking pigeons
And Jay Emanuel.

God I love spring.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Only Perk of the Taurus

When I was younger, my family used to take road trip vacations to various destinations. In order to amuse us children and curtail us from literally killing each other (because my brother would poke me and repeat everything I said just to annoy me), we were given various car games like blue car, yellow truck, green van BINGO, the option to play “I spy with my little eye”, or the privilege of listening to The Ford tape. We obviously had a maroon Ford Taurus station wagon, because why would we possibly have even attempted to be any kind of cool, and part of Ford’s incentives back then before they were most likely going bankrupt, was to include a cassette demo tape of the hip songs of the time. We listened to this tape so many damn times that now whenever I hear a song from it, I immediately label it as a song from The Ford tape. It will be forever ingrained in my head. These special songs included “Oh Sherrie” by Journey, “Forever” by Kenny Loggins, and well... I honestly couldn’t remember the rest of the tape (except for the Neil Diamond, because I refuse to admit that I remembered that song was on there, and that it kicked ass)... So I googled the tape... And found THE ENTIRE lineup of music.

Lineup from the 1987 Ford demo tape from CBS Special Products:

SOMEWHERE / Barbra Streisand






FOREVER / Kenny Loggins

OH SHERRIE / Steve Perry

VOICES CARRY / Til Tuesday




This could possibly be the coolest cassette tape on Earth and I really need to search for it the next time I go home, and pray that it wasn’t disposed of.

Monday, April 06, 2009

A Royal Pain

So much has been made of Michelle Obama and the touch heard round the world. Breaking protocol, touching the Queen... How could she? I suppose because I am not from England, nor have I ever met the Queen, that it is not surprising that I was in no way aware of the very strict rules surrounding a potential encounter with her. However, now that I am... I am fully enacting these rules for myself as well. I need to be treated with the respect that I deserve. From this point forward please obey the following:

When one meets Her Majesty the Queen of the Upper East Side and the Commonwealth of her studio apartment,
  • One must bow if a man or curtsy if a woman.
  • One must never show ones back, instead must face her at all times.
  • Never speak unless spoken to.
  • No one eats until she eats; no one sleeps until she sleeps.
  • If one is wearing gloves or sunglasses they are to remove them immediately.
  • If Her Majesty offers her hand, one is to shake it. Otherwise never initiate touching Her Majesty.
  • Her Majesty will let one know when the conversation or meeting is over. Leave promptly, making sure one remains facing Her Majesty, bow or curtsy, and then exit.
  • Do not dare even crack a smile as Her Majesty laughs her ass off at you while you walk backwards out of the room.
Thank you fair peasants.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Strange and Stranger

Today I was informed about a website, through which you can be connected with a random stranger to have a chat. My immediate response to this was... WHY? Am I really that lonely, bored, or hard up for conversation that I’d want to be connected with a complete stranger? What would I possibly talk to a stranger about? If I feel like talking to someone, I’ll talk to my friends, or co-workers... If I desperately feel like talking to someone I’d even call my parents. Why the hell would I want to talk to a complete stranger? Unless maybe I was like... in prison.

Below are actual examples of the completely ridiculous, borderline retarded conversations one of my co-workers had through the use of this site. I might actually be frightened if I wasn’t laughing so hard.

Stranger: sheep?
You: that your thing?
Stranger: van knt?
You: pardon?
Stranger: nee
You: are you a robot?
Stranger: nee
Stranger: ik ben geen robot
You: somebody have a loose screw?
Stranger: i'm talking dutch
You: german robot
Stranger: DUTCH
Stranger: not german
You: i am gonna kick you in the dutch
You: bow down to lord vader!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Hoi
You: Everybody say ho!
Stranger: HO
Stranger: Hello?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: so
You: how are things?
Stranger: pretty good, thanks  how about yours?
Stranger: u're there?
You: sorry
You: really drunk right now
Stranger: damn.
You: what are you doing?
Stranger: nothing actually
Stranger: you?
You: trying to work
Stranger: when you're drunk?
You: booze is the only thing that gets me through my day
You: do you smell that?
Stranger: almosy
Stranger: almost*
Stranger: how old are u
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 15

You: stranger danger
Stranger: i miss you!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Doggy Stylin

Jess: btw how'd the glamour shoot go with your dog
Jess: did she look hot?
Andrei: HAHAHA
Andrei: we didn't have it last night
Andrei: we took her to the dog park instead
Andrei: but I need to get those shots
Andrei: tonight we'll do it
Andrei: I'm going to be seriously pissed if she doesn't get the call for this shoot
Jess: r u starving her
Jess: bc she's a model
Jess: gotta be a size 2
Andrei: I let her eat
Andrei: but then I make her throw up afterwards
Jess: LOL
Andrei: we've been working on her walk, her strut
Jess: it's all about tits and ass
Andrei: yeah... she really needs to learn how to own it
Andrei: we've been watching america's top model for pointers
I heard the hemmorrhoid cream under the eyes really helps
Jess: no puffiness
Andrei: I'm picking some up
Andrei: this dog's going to be my meal ticket