Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Gone fishin...

Every two or three days the same thing happens, like clockwork. My co-worker Caryn comes over to my desk, asks if I want to take a walk and I say “yes, I ran out of fishies.” So off to Duane Reade we go, so I can spend $4.31 on two bags of assorted fish. I don’t think there’s another person on the planet who eats as many Swedish fish as I do. I’m not even sure how it happened. I used to be into the Jujy fruits, but who wants to eat fruits when you can eat fish!... By the pound. Awesomely enough, I was at a college themed party in Phili last weekend and someone brought Swedish fish soaked in vodka. WHY did I not know about this until now?? Do you know how much better my afternoons could be if I let my fish go swimming in Smirnoff?? Oh the possibilities...

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