Friday, July 11, 2008

Rebirth of the Work Moon-o-Meter

It's baaaaack! I have really missed the work moon-o-meter. To refresh everyone’s memory, this is where we discuss and rate the dick things people do at work. Feel free to submit your own stories for future postings!

Here is the original scale:

Moon-o-meter alert scale (as developed by me and Sari):
1 - Why me?
2 - Just roll your eyes
3 - Nobody else thinks this sucks besides me
4 - E-mail a few co-workers to bitch
5 - E-mail all your friends at other companies to bitch
6 - Still talking about it a few hours later
7 - Call your mom and cry
8 - SHUT THE HELL UP! That did NOT just happen!
9 - Time to quit/moon!
10 - Burn the office down

Today, we examine a hypothetical situation. For lunch, I brought my leftover salmon from the other night. As I made my way to the fridge to retrieve it, a thought passed through my tired and Friday wired brain. I guess I am eating it cold! I certainly cannot be one of those despised people who puts fish in the office microwave!! That is bad, almost like an unforgivable sin. A couple months ago, someone did that very thing on the other floor of my office and people still talk about how the smell permeated the entire floor to this day. If I had heated up my fish, I would have at least ranked anywhere between a 4 and a 6... Easily...

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