Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Top Ten

Top ten reasons why this is a great headline:

Men sentenced for setting friend’s crotch ablaze

10) All my top 10 lists so far seem to have something to do with men’s crotchal (oh yes I fully made that word up) areas... But let’s not read anything into that.

9) Gauze. Lots of gauze.

8) Was there really nothing, seriously not a single thing left in this world to light on fire?

7) I wonder what is worse, having your balls lit on fire, or having some genius try to put you out using the stomp method?

6) Don’t think these two fools will be getting very many visitors in the slammer.

5) Hopefully for all the other inmates on their cellblock those orange jumpsuits are flame retardant.

4) When I put these dude’s names into Criminalsearches.com it will say they lit someone’s balls on fire.

3) It is truly amazing to see how some people throw around the term “friend”. I’d hate to see what they do to their acquaintances...

2) I love how they had to make it all journalistic and fancy. “set crotch ablaze?” Let’s be honest about what really happened here... they lit their friend’s balls on fire... Call it like it is man.

And the number one reason why this is a great headline...

1.) This isn’t what friends are for? I could have sworn the song had that lyric...?


Unknown said...


Jessy said...