Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why soooo serious????

It is with true pleasure and complete irony that I bring to you this almost too perfect to be true conversation that occurred this morning between my mother and myself. If you’re a follower of the blog, you are already aware that I saw The Dark Knight with my brother last weekend which led to my reminiscing not really very fondly about my own encounter 5 years ago with a winged mammal. And then if not perfectly on cue... This happens...

Mom: the alarm went off at 6 am! got so scared...there’s another bat in the trapped it in ur room but animal control officer coouldn’t find it
Jess: btw just so we’re clear, I am SO NOT coming home on sunday if that thing isn't caught
Mom: it’s probably hanging on one of your dresses in the closet taking a nap
Jess: I love how u are finding humor in this
Jess: that was a seriously traumatic moment in my life
Jess: flying rodents are NOT FUNNY
Mom: I am so agitated to have to wait now for a pest control company
Mom: 1pm-hope they find it
Jess: are we maybe thinking it's time to have our house bat proofed??
Mom: we thought we did! closed up the attic fan from inside and out-got new attic door in the hall
Mom: it’s about the same time of year exactly each time
Jess: happy anniversary bat!
Mom: they said it is sleeping now so it’s safe for me to be in the house
Jess: u are braver than me
Jess: I’d be in the garage again
Mom: would u take a shower if u were me?
Jess: I wouldn't leave the spot I was in and I would close the door just to be sure... if I were you
Jess: being attacked by a bat and subsequently getting rabies... not really on my list of things to do
Jess: anytime soon
Mom: I can’t wait until 1pm! I won’t sleep tonight if they don’t find it!!!!!!!!!!
Jess: you better hope they find it then...


Unknown said...

Hahaha, your mom rules, and I like how your dad trapped it in YOUR room.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo, did they find it wearing your dress from formal??

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