Monday, October 12, 2009

Top Ten

Here's a little bit of a different take on the classic Top Ten post...

Top Ten things I’ve done while I was drunk:

10) Thought I was home every time the cab stopped at a red light and continually tried to get out

9) Lost all of my belongings and then hysterically cried

8) Unplugged the refrigerator when attempting to plug-in the air mattress pump

7) Somehow bent the key to my building in half and then promptly broke it in the door the next morning (this was this weekend...)

6) Made out with my friend’s cousin

5) Devoured a cupcake, got frosting everywhere, in my hair, on my watch, and left a trail of crumbs all over my friend’s apartment. The next morning, when seeing the mess I asked her “WHO eats a cupcake like that??” and she responded... “um, YOU.”

4) Decided to get out of a cab by my old apartment for unknown reasons... I live 50 blocks from there now.

3) Caught my heel on a bar stool and took a face first dive onto the floor in front of 4 male coworkers

2) Tried to use my license as a credit card to buy drinks

1) Took a nap on the bathroom floor of the Chinese restaurant at the Borgata

However, I have never stolen an ambulance... Yet.

1 comment:

Pants said...

Caught your heel...riiiiight.