Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Another installment of the Work Moon-o-meter

My friend Sari gets an email from her boss just now, subject line reads "Please change the colors-and email back to me". Upon opening it, she sees that it was forwarded to him with the text being all black minus a few of the updated numbers that are typed in red. He apparently has no idea how to change the color of the font on an email and needs her to do it for him and send it back to him in all black text. Completely ridiculous. This is what we went to college for? Based on sheer absurdness alone this at least rates a 7... and I thought me playing fed ex lady and packaging my own mail was an idiotic task...

Sari can you please change all this font to black and send it back to me... thanks...
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Unknown said...

R U Fing kidding me?