Thursday, January 13, 2005

One lucky soldier... The Reply

When going thru my mail last night, I came upon one addressed to me in my own handwriting. At first I was completely stumped. I had one bill, two bills, another bill... then the one I had seemingly written to myself. Wait, is it possible to bill yourself for something?? Did I do this as a joke when I was drunk one night? Until I realized it was the SASE I had sent to my soldier! I had gotten a reply! My soldier's name is Joanna Orozco, 24, from California and she's in the Navy currently stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Indian Ocean. I was kinda hoping my soldier would be a big brave MALE on the front lines in Iraq, and that he'd say Kabul in his letters because I think it sounds funny... but I guess wannabe military pen pals cannot be choosers. She seems really cool and I'm definitely going to write her again!

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