Monday, January 03, 2005

The New Year of Me

Oh it's starting. The New Year blues. I've been at work for 3 hours and I've already taken one phone call from an elderly model who wants "just one more" picture, played fed ex lady for an hour, and possibly written the date with '04 instead of '05 three hundred times. And it's only going to get worse because today... is the most excruciating gym day of the year. Everyone riding high on their resolutions to get in shape will be there... well let's see... I give them today, tomorrow and maybe Wednesday, a few stragglers next week... then back to the old crowd.

and wait... everyone who has off today... go screw yourself. What is that about?? Today is NOT a holiday, please come up with some feasible explanation besides that you completely SUCK as to why you have the day off?? You're still thinking aren't you...

Here are my New Years Resolutions this year...

To get a new freaking job,
and to mellow out, not be wound so tight... just be laid back... in other words to CHILL the fuck out. And as you can tell from my above rantings... that one is working REALLY well for me!! Hey gotta love the old me, who'd want to change me???

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