Thursday, January 06, 2005

You make me wanna Hurl Hurl

I find it strangely amusing that they're making such a big deal of the fact that Ashlee Simpson got booed while "singing", or whatever she thought that was that she was doing... at the Orange Bowl. Did they think we all weren't already aware of the fact that she is a terrible singer? Ok how else can we put this nicely... she can't sing? Singing, her, not meant to be? Please god no more? I'm not one to judge (yea right), but could it be because her sister was already famous that they just manufactured her to be a singer as well? These are the times in life when I really wonder why my brother couldn't be Justin Timberlake. Life would have been so easy! A commentator for MSNBC wrote "Ashlee's singing sounded like a cross between a political prisoner being tortured and a test of the Emergency Broadcast System." Greatest thing ever!
Posted by Hello

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