Monday, January 10, 2005

Dog Days

Sari: Nicole, Chowder, and I are going to watch on your bed
Sari: But chowder is a bed hog, so maybe he will hang on the floor
Sari: ok so- Chowder me and Nicole are bringing doritos and hugs
Sari: (notice that I keep saying Chowder even though he wasn't invited!)
Jess: haha yea I didn't see him on the evite
Sari: he wont come then
Sari: he will just cry
Sari: cuz Auntie Jessy doesnt love him
Jess: I didn't say I didn't love him, I just wasn't aware he was coming
Sari: do u want him there?
Jess: I'm not sure how everyone coming feels about dogs

Nicole: did you shadily find out about Chowder?
Sari: yeah
Nicole: and?
Sari: Jessy thinks that people might be frightened
Nicole: what? Frightened?
Nicole: so you didn't shadily find out!
Nicole: did you!
Nicole: you POINT BLANK asked~!
Sari: yes I did, after I shadily asked
Nicole: so how did you shadily ask
Nicole: did you say... suppose someone brings a 4 legged creature?

Mara: nicole is asking me
Jess: I am trying so hard not to laugh
Mara: suppose someone would bring someone else and they have dog breath?

Jess: fine he can come but no eating jessy's animals, he has to be well behaved
Sari: he will be!
Nicole: ah-ha!
Nicole: i KNEW it!
Nicole: it is not that people are frightened
Nicole: it is that she doesn't want him to chew on her stuffed cat!
Nicole: he doesn't like cats!
Sari: hahahahahah
Jess: OMG if he eats Smokey he is going to learn what it's like to fly out the window


Anonymous said...

What funny converstations you people have...

Anonymous said...

woof woof, don't leave me behind all alone. woof woof