Friday, January 07, 2005

BS for CSI

Let's be upbeat today, shall we?! Besides, it's Friday! Only happy thoughts! Ok so on that note, the bestest news!! There are reports that Britbrit wants to be a forensic scientist!! Whatever you do... DON'T get killed because she'll totally screw up the investigation. Yes after watching "CSI", she decided it'd be really cool to do that... and being the famous pop star that she is, clearly she could just snap her fingers and become one overnight because she feels like it. Is that how she decided she wanted to become an actress too? She watched "Joey"? But wait... what if she flips the channel to "American Idol"... god help us all... oh shit that must have already happened... so this is how we got ourselves into this mess
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1 comment:

qbrad said...

She'll be able to do that stuff no problem. Science is EEEEEEEEEASY. That's why everyone wants to be a scientist, and not a lawyer, like Stu.