Tuesday, November 02, 2004

If I can... you can! VOTE!

I've always voted absentee ballot. Easy, simple... pencil, stamp, send. But once, I can't remember for what election, I had to go in person. My now ex-boyfriend took me and asked if I wanted him to come into the school with me, but I figured I could handle it myself. How hard could it be right? I sign the book, I walk up to the machine and I try to pull the curtains closed... manually. I used to go with my parents all the time when I was little, why can't I remember how this thing works? Well after numerous attempts of tugging on them, the curtains won't close.. so I decide screw it, I'll just vote with the damn things open. I turn to read the instructions and it says "pull lever to start", upon pulling the lever, the curtains close... man oh man do I feel dumb. I never told that story to anyone before...
Posted by Hello

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