Monday, November 15, 2004

Stern/Jameson 2008

As an addendum to today's RTW about the looming possibility of Hillary vs. Schwarzenfocker '08, I thought we should discuss some other viable options. I read on msnbc last week that in order to get "in touch" with the rural red state voters, Washington Democrats need to eat at Applebee's, Denny's and Cracker Barrel???? They're kidding right? That is their solution? Forget that crap, let's make this interesting... while avoiding bad food. I propose we run Howard Stern and Jenna Jameson on the Democratic ticket in '08. Don't lie, how f'ing great would that be! Imagine the endless possibilites of fund raising events! If it's between eating at Denny's or losing... might as well lose and have some fun with it! All those conservative Christian Jesus freaks would have a cow... oh wait, they probably already have like 5 cows. Howard for Prez! It would certainly be a campaign nobody would forget for quite some time... HEY NOW!
Posted by Hello

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