Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Why men have an easier time throwing parties

Jill: Ok, I'm geared with the animal crackers and frosting.... What do you all prefer- chocolate or vanilla? I'll try to find some animal crackers with all donkeys! or we'll just eat the elephants first!
Jess: HAHAHA!!
Sari: I need a vote here... pretzels or doritoes?
Jill: Rumor has it that pretzels go nicely with frosting as well.... But either one!
Jess: I can't vote anymore I'm sorry, I'm voted out... BUT... the CNN/USA
Today poll says doritoes are in the lead
Marisa: baked cool ranch are awesome BUT are not good with frosting
Jill: NA-CHO ordinary chip
Jess: Well sorry ladies, I'm buying... and this is a dictatorship NOT a democracy... so you get whatever I give you...
Sari: Thanks for throwing the vote off... Who said anything about cool
ranch!??!?! I was referring to Nacho Cheesier!!!
Jill: I demand a re-count

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